Ladies and Gentlemen Mr Tony Khan has decided that he has will be selling Ring Of Honor to a member of the McMahon family but it’s not Vince McMahon…

SHANE McMAHON now owns Ring Of Honor


As I sit here at my desk as the new owner of Ring Of Honor I receive an email which outlines the Contract’s that are coming up for renewal and also one highlighting one member of the roster who seem’s to be a bad egg

From the contract’s up for renewal all of them with the exception of Joe Koff will be renewed and as for Trent Seven, he will be released from his contract and will no longer be apart of Ring Of Honor


Now that all the outstanding contract renewals have been dealt with, we open up the next email which informs us of who the current title holders are for the company

A man I know very well from our time together in the WWE is the current ROH World Champion Claudio Castagnoli

Another man who I am familiar with from my previous employment is the current Television Champion Samoa Joe

The man currently in possession of the Pure championship is Wheeler Yuta

The Woman’s champion is someone who, like our World and Television Champion, I am familiar with, Athena

The current holders of the 6 Man Tag Team Titles are The Embassy Members Brian Cage, Bishop Kaun and Toa Liona

The Tag Team Champions are legends of Ring Of Honor and 13 time champions The Briscoe’s

Next email we need to take a look at is a email which outlines the current size of the company

Our most popular region’s seem to be Tri State and Mid Atlantic with Great Lakes closely behind, so these are the area’s that I think I will try to build up before branching into other area’s

One of my main goal’s is to get Ring Of Honor back onto Television with a regular weekly program so I have made phone calls and sent emails to TV companies all around the world and let’s see who, if any, will pick up ROH for a weekly TV Program


What might be more appealing to potential TV network’s is a few upcoming matches so I am making an announcement via ROH.com of an 8 man #1 contenders tournament where the winner will face off against Claudio Castagnoli for the ROH World Championship.

The 8 Men in the tournament are…

No doubt there will be a lot of speculation who which of these 8 men will go onto face Claudio Castagnoli for the ROH World Championship but I am now heading out of the office, going to grab myself a McDonald’s Happy Meal and put on my Spiderman Onesie